About Me

Hi! Iā€™m Joy, and Iā€™m a PhD candidate in Biomedical Informatics at the Unversity of Pittsburgh. My interests lie at the intersection of data science and software engineering, specifically within developing methods that facilitate computer-aided detection and predictive modeling. Currently, Iā€™m developing novel ways to use multi-modal neuroimaging data to predict neurodevelopmental outcome in pediatric patients. My overall goal is to draw on and contribute to machine learning, graph theory, data science, and neuroscience.

Before matriculating, I worked as a full time software engineer in the telecommunication and defense sector. Moving forward, I hope to pursue roles that allow me to continue utilizing computer science to make contributions to my communities. Beyond professional pursuits, I am also a big fan of fantasy football, reading, and hiking.

Academic CV Resume


šŸŽ“ PhD in Biomedical Informatics, 2020-2024, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
šŸŽ“ BS in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2015-2019, University of Maryland Baltimore County
šŸŽ“ BA in Mathematics, 2015-2019, University of Maryland Baltimore County


  • [06/2024] My abstract was accepted to present my work on brain network analyses at Flux 2024!
  • [06/2024] This website is now live!
  • [06/2024] Joy was invited by the Pittsburgh MR Physicists to present his research for their monthly seminar!
  • [08/2023] Joy won 2nd place for Best Paper Award from the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Pitt!
  • [06/2023] Joy won the Bronze Medal Award for his presentation at the NLMT15 Training Conference held in Stanford!